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A warm welcome from Shanti Yoga, Health Institute Australasia, and Nirvana Wellness Retreat Sanctuary, Gold Coast, where we take a deep breath and relax. Of course, we are very aware that right throughout Australia, including here on the Gold Coast, we are back to so many restrictions and lockdowns.
What we can decide to focus on during these times is cultivating healthy habits towards building a strong immune system, such as ensuring that you go outside and greet the sun and sky, get to sleep at your appropriate time, exercise, meditate, hydrate, eat clean, avoiding processed food and chemicals as much as is possible. Supplements such as Triphala and Chawanprash can be great for supporting your immune function but are not a substitute for a healthy life.
If COVID has taught us anything, it is that life is fragile. All it takes is a chance encounter, a single moment, to change everything we take for granted. And then the usual questions surface: What’s around the corner? Can we come to terms with uncertainty? Will we adapt, adopt, and thrive in the new environment? Is there a purpose to regretting what we lack?

To be intimately acquainted with all of our ways and to know what concerns us, provides the confidence to open and close doors. The adversity we suffer creates the person we are today. The hell we crawl out of makes us grateful to walk every step forward.

Challenges succumbed, arise from yielding our ego, which is so synonymous with our pain. When we face our challenges, we reap the rewards. Nothing we can do can change the past. But everything we do changes the future.

Know that universal, abundant, boundless life energy surrounds you. Many seemingly insuperable barriers in your life will crumble and dissolve in the waters of meditation. When your devotion and love co-mingles with the devotion and love of others, divine bliss radiates from you, and to you, helping all the people you meet.

Focus on what is important, with deep gratitude.

To indulge yourself with worrying, complaints, gossip, comparisons, wishing, wanting bigger, better, sweating the small stuff, is a waste of your mind and your life. Just focus on all the simple blessings that surround you every day. You are alive. You are blessed. Live your life with gratitude, grace, and trust, and with no regrets.

All our illnesses and difficulties shine a light on what we need to accept or change. Although reasons abound out there, it is usually our life and how we are living it that is the problem.

This is your time. There are immense benefits in reinforcing your spiritual efforts by keeping the company of sincere seekers. We become like the people we mingle with, not only through their conversation but through the silent magnetic vibration that emanates from them. When we come into the range of their magnetism, we are affected. Maintain your association with those of similar spiritual aspirations in order to strengthen your own.

We feel so honoured to be a part of this opportunity to start the new way of living and usher in a new paradigm for physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing together. Here's looking at you in our forever-changing world.

May love go with you wherever you go.


20-22 August
Believe in Yourself - weekend retreat
$750 single room accommodation with shared facilities, delicious vegetarian meals, program

3-5 September
Meaning, Passion, Purpose and the pursuit of Happiness
$750 single room accommodation with shared facilities, delicious vegetarian meals, program

10 September
First Aid Course

11, 12 September
Ayurvedic Massage Course. 2-day intensive

18-26 September
Exceptional Wellbeing
10 day residential Ayurveda and Yoga healing program (detox available)
Shanti Gowans
pot of faded carnations on white background
With blessings and Namaste,
The Shanti Yoga team
T: (07) 5531 0511
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