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It often comes as quite a surprise,
when suddenly, in the middle of your striving to attain,
or get rid of something,
you find your heart opening
like a window,
revealing to you the spacious vista
of an unexpected kind of freedom:
the freedom to fully meet yourself as you are right now;
the freedom to fully experience all the situations and emotions
that seem to be obstacles to your happiness,
without having to believe in, or follow their apparent messages.
What allows us to abide in that unexpected freedom,
finding stillness and clarity in the eye of the storm,
is a spacious, embracing awareness of the present moment,
Its liberating qualities lie at the heart of Shanti Yoga's wisdom.
Shanti Gowans

The Shanti Yoga Centre is a place to gather with others and deepen embodied awakening. On the yoga mat, in a friendly and inclusive environment, we explore how to recognise and release patterns of aggressiveness, rigidity and protective holding patterns in the body, so that we can merge, endure, and experience oneness, in order not to lose contact with our Self.

If you seek to realise the non-duality of your innate nature and long to feel the utter truth of it throughout your whole body, our signature Shanti Yoga practices weave stillness-moving with mindful healing, in a gentle, deep, whole-being journey into an embodied, non-dual awakening.

These practices focus on healing and deepening your embodiment of five innate qualities that you can experience when you inhabit your body. It is your birthright to feel vibrantly alive, substantive, and secure, awake and responsive to the world around you.

Your inner journey towards wholeness, towards living consciously within your whole body, includes gifts such as becoming present and receptive, experiencing feeling, developing self-love, being grounded, and resilienct. Guiding us home to our deepest Self, allows us to feel that we belong in and are not living separate from our world. The more we can live from this place of connection, the more our creativity can thrive.

Open to all who seek to consciously walk this path of awakening as a community.
Shanti Yoga Timetable
Monday 1-2pm. All welcome

Friendly and welcoming on-going, weekly, supportive, guided discussions, for dedicated practitioners and students, to sit together as a community within the unified field of fundamental consciousness. Participants have the opportunity to ask and answer questions and share experiences. Drop-ins welcome.
Saturday 30th July, 7:30pm.
The Thomas Dixon Centre Studio Theatre, 406 Montague Rd, West End, Queensland.
Before you begin, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
Secondly, find a comfortable position to sit on a chair, crossed legged or on your knees; or lie down, and when you’re ready, press play.
Shanti Yoga MP3 audio
Mind Training in Relational Intelligence

The brain plays an absolutely crucial role in our lives, in terms of our mental and emotional well-being, our ability to focus, thrive, and succeed at our goals. In many ways, your brain is indeed the ‘CEO’ of your body, regulating all its physical, emotional, and cognitive functions.

However, recent science has demonstrated that your heart actually sends more signals to your brain than the other way around. And these heart signals actually have a big impact on your brain. For example, they have a major influence on:
  • Your ability to focus and what you focus on
  • The way you see and interpret things
  • How well you process negative emotions, without letting them affect you
  • The way you make decisions
  • Your ability to learn and memorise things, and solve problems
  • And even your ability to ‘hear’ intuitive hunches and trust their accuracy.
These findings give you a whole new source of personal power that you may have always left untapped, that you can now use to optimise both your brain and your life. This means there’s more to optimising the power of your mind than just your brain alone.

When you begin to tap into the heart’s power, you’ll find yourself enjoying greater mental clarity and inner peace, new inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm, and rock-steady emotional harmony. You will also notice that you will have a more positive influence on people in your presence. Overall, you will find a much greater ability to create an abundant, rewarding, and emotionally fulfilling life, knowing exactly how to bring even your most exciting goals and visions to fruition.

It all starts with one simple technique, known as Tonglen. You can learn how to tap into this phenomenal power during our upcoming Mind Training in Emotional Intelligence Retreat, where you will find that accessing the heart’s gifts is simpler than you may have believed.

It’s deceptively simple, but the effects on your life can be staggering.
Mind Training in Relational Intelligence
Silent Meditation Retreat
5-7 August 2022


Shanti Gowans has created a wonderful retreat, and her own signature program to provide a structure for secular people to practice and study together.

Join the sangha (the Shanti yoga community) for an opportunity to establish, or renew your commitment to your inner peace and sanity, practice meditation, share a delicious Ayurvedic plant based meal and take the opportunity to enjoy in this exquisitely breathtakingingly beautiful part of the world. Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat lies in the Scenic Rim, which is a short drive up into the mountains at the back of the Gold Coast. The Scenic Rim has been voted as one of the 10 places in the world to visit in 2022 by the Lonely Planet. Come and experience the stillness, magnificence, beauty and wonderment that Nirvana has to offer for yourself.
Love always,
The HIA Shanti Yoga Team
T: (07) 5531 0511
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