Peace, Love and Emotional Healing – a guide to inner transformation.

Residential program  October 22-24, 2021 weekend retreat

Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it.

A life free from fear, pain, insecurity and doubt is not only possible – it is our birthright. We long for peace, for the ability to love and be loved openly and freely, and for the confidence and clarity to meet various challenges we face in our daily lives. Within each of us resides a spark of unparalleled brilliance, an unlimited capacity for warmth, openness and courage, which can be identified as our ‘essence’, ‘godspace’ or ‘buddha nature’. It is timeless and imperishable but often layered over by patterns of behaviour and belief that urge us to seek happiness in conditions or situations that never quite live up to their promise.

Our spiritual biography helps us identify the thread of wakefulness in our life and is often the exact opposite of the usual life story. Just as the richness of our garden depends upon the compost, examining our lives with compassion and insight, we discover that the dark night of the soul opens to realising the beauty of imperfection. There are spiritual lessons within our life-story of love and loss, courage and failure. Patterns come into play when we are anxious and afraid, and our lives take on the path of fearfulness.

In this program, we are invited to be present with our life, and to investigate these patterns as the path of enlightened courage. The starting point is to have a heart. If you don’t have a heart, you have to give birth to one. If you need further reinforcements, take a piece from here, there and everywhere. Have it. It is yours. Now let it go.

In this powerful retreat you will learn how you can:-

  • Identify your emotional type and how to optimise it
  • Work with your own anger and fear
  • Transform your negative emotions by using the body to act as the vehicle
  • Explore how emotions and healing are related to each other and live beyond hope and fear
  • Read people’s emotions
  • Combat emotional vampires that are sapping your dry
  • Avoid absorbing the negative emotions of others
  • Experience suffering and bear witness to others’ suffering and still feel optimistic about humankind
  • Feel appreciation of basic wholesomeness in those who plot to attack us, or in those who are consumed with hatred and anger.
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would rather see you living in better conditions.
For anyone interested in reclaiming wholeness through synchronising body, mind and spirit and includes the practice of mindfulness, loving kindness, tonglen (exchange) and exploring the five wisdom energies for wellbeing, transformation and freedom.


October 22 @ 16:00 — October 24 @ 16:00
4:00 pm — 4:00 pm (48h)

Nirvana Wellness Retreat

Shanti Gowans