Relaxation and Self Healing
Release stress. Heal now. Learn how to feel light and happy, overcome ‘the blues’, and experience inner peace.

Learning how to let go of tension and how to relax allows us to combat stress, anxiety and depression, and determine how we will live.
Relaxation can be experienced and developed through wonderful, restorative yoga poses, known as asanas.
However, a deeper, existential relaxation is also experienced in the practice known as Yoga Nidra, the sleep of the yogi, where you lie down on your mat, covered up with a blanket (if you feel cold), and follow the gentle, guided, verbal instructions from Shantiji. In this practice, there is nothing required but to lie down and listen while you relax, heal and transform within every level of your being.
Deep, conscious, Yogic Healing Relaxation is an acquired state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, in which the body is completely relaxed. In this guided journey your awareness is brought to all levels of your being: your physical body, your energetic body, your mind, emotions, and bliss body. The inner ‘knowing’, brings you all the way to the core of your being – your essence
Yoga Nidra is not an activity, like any other hobby; nor is it achieved by an activity. It is not even the same thing as recreation. While most forms of recreation such as tennis, squash, golf, gardening, watching TV. and so on may be enjoyable and beneficial, they do not produce an absence of tension in you. They just change your tensions.
Yoga Nidra is the absence of tension. It does not mean merely slowing down. When tense people learn to relax they become more perceptive, aware and successful. When a person is established in Yoga, sattva, truth and shanti, peace pervades our life and teaching. This allows us to combat stress, anxiety and depression, and determine how we will live.
The opposite of relaxation is tension.
Being relaxed is the only creative way to live. The opposite of this is destructive. With tension we self-destruct. Unrelieved tension and stress can have serious consequences. Pressure and tension usually start working internally causing anxiety, frustration, headaches and other mental and physical ailments.
When we are un-relaxed or quality of life suffers. We feel tense, edgy, irritable and anxious. We tend to explode easily. If the possibility of externalising anger does not exist, we internalise these negative emotions. As a result we often feel a lack of joy in our lives. Nothing seems to sustain a ‘buzz’ for us for any length of time. Our relationships with other people suffer. We make poor work mates and poor play mates. All this escalates, and accompanied by worry, anxiety, sorrow, fear and depression, we believe that life was not meant to be easy. A life of quiet desperationdepletes our vitality and robs us of the joyful energy with which to experience the day. Our memory suffers, as we become easily forgetful and concentration is poor. But it is not only during the day that the restless mind and turbulent thoughts haunt us. Poor sleeping patterns which include the inability to fall asleep easily, or lying awake for a long time after awaking at night, further depletes our natural healthy resources. We become prime targets for other symptoms of stress e.g. migraines, shortness of breath, racing pulse, sexual difficulties, tension in back, neck and shoulders, bowel upsets, eye-strain, a not-so funny feeling in the head and chest pains. One or all!
Relaxation and Yoga Nidra prepare the mind for the higher yogic discipline and is the best antidote for impurities, stress, disease and illness.
It removes tension and fatigue in the physical body, relieves depression and anxiety, relieves headaches and all kinds of body pain, cravings and desires. It rejuvenates and energises the entire system, bolsters the body’s natural healing capacities and normalises the circulatory system’s function. It enables you to enter the ‘alpha wave’ state of consciousness which will bring you to a place of peace and rest that most people have not travelled to before. This will help keep you balanced and joyful in your busy life.
Our Deep Relaxation and Meditation products work quickly and effectively by accessing and communicating directly with the subconscious mind. The critical, rational mind is suspended while old programming is released and what you prefer is employed. Change is rapid. You can end destructive habits such as negative self-talk, internet addiction, bondage to the past and many others.
Relaxation always leads to the same physical reactions:<br/
Lowered blood pressure
Slowed respiration
Lowered oxygen consumption
Reduced muscle tension
Common Relaxation Therapies
Relaxation techniques can be useful in sport in several ways. One example is to reduce the level of anxiety before a match; another is to reduce unwarranted tension. Obviously, the chances of success, when using relaxation techniques, are higher.
Relaxation is also used to improve sporting skill and techniques. The sports person is deeply relaxed and then encouraged to perceive themselves performing their skills very well. To succeed in one’s imagination is an excellent prelude to success.
Our Relaxation Practices arise from Vedic teachings: Yoga and Ayurveda together with Buddhist and Judeo-Christian spirituality.
Join our classes. You will find Shantiji to be empathetic, intuitive and grounded.

Yoga nidra helps students
Master their sleep
Engage and gain control of the autonomic nervous system
Reduce internal tension
And to help alleviate many illnesses and diseases
Relaxation has a strong positive effect on
Achieving maximum creativity
Gaining confidence
Directing one’s inner life with a powerful focused intention
Easy birthing
Empowering one’s ability to speak up in any situation
Clarifying options during life's transitions
Pain reduction
Class times at Southport
Mondays 9.15am - 10.30amMindfulness and Yoga breathing, Pranayama.
Relax, breathe, heal - Shantiji
Mondays 11.30am - 12.15pm
Nidra, Dharana, Dhyana.
Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation - Shantiji
Mondays 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Kirtan, chanting - Shantiji
(once monthly, the first Monday in the month)
Tuesdays 12.30-1.15pm
Mindfulness-based stress reduction: Nidra, Deep Relaxation and Self Healing - Shantiji
Thursday 12.30-1.15pm
Nidra, Dharana, Dhyana.
Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation - Shantiji
No previous experience needed. Chairs, mats, blankets and cushions are provided for your comfort.