Nirvana’s Paths and Forest Baths
March 11, 2024
Yoga Teacher Training: Connection, Spirituality and Purpose
June 19, 2024Shanti Yoga™ presents
a highly healing series
of classical yoga poses and movements
which are in fixed sequences that build,
are practised organically,
and which you move through slowly,
one yoga sequence at a time,
on the long journey,
searching within yourself,
with only a curious soul
and a boundless hunger for Truth
to guide you.
Built into the sequences
are appropriate warm ups,
deep stretches,
their counter stretches,
and cool downs.
They arise from the foundational elements of asana,
the mahabhutas,
from the ground up,
as everything that is,
has been,
and will be,
is written in the infinite pages of the Cosmos.
Awareness of the body and existence,
delivers awareness of the vastness of the universe
hidden within you.
Beneath and beyond the surface
of your biographical and anatomical details
lie the ‘real nature’
that is the cosmic truth about all of us.
No matter how unique
or how different your life experiences have been,
we are brothers and sisters,
born of the same universe
and share the same cosmic dream.
You need only stand on the shores of your being
and the spiritual, that is to say, essential,
reward is inevitable.
You will be nudged towards your buddha nature,
your divine self, atman/brahman.
The cosmic memory
of your cosmic, spiritual nature
expresses the cosmic dance of asana,
finding ground, you relax deeply (earth),
feeling energy flowing from one place to another
…the body feels almost transparent (water),
movement is energetic (fire),
creation sparks movement,
the mind goes everywhere (wind);
every cell is still, calm and alert (space).
It’s the complete package.
Integrating the mind, the psyche, the senses,
the breath, the soul and the body as whole,
allows you to proceed with what is called life.
The unique aspect of the Shanti Yoga™ series
is that it can be adapted to all levels
and is great for beginners, in between and even advanced students.
To practise and teach Shanti Yoga™
is to have the oceanic presence
of the Cosmos in your soul – remembered.
It has been designed with lifetime students in mind,
and we see students engaged and excited about Shanti Yoga™ for a lifetime!
Forget your mind,
forget your self
… and let energy take your body into movement.
Asana directs the living force in the body…
hence the presence of precision and accuracy in every breath,
mindfulness and safety instructions.
The combination of breath and mindful movement
into and out of asana,
and from one asana, into another asana,
and then yet another asana (vinyasa),
allows you to detoxify and cleanse your body,
and heal and calm your mind naturally.
But there’s more to learn than just yoga poses!
And it’s not about religion and dogma.
Shanti Yoga™ is about practice and community
…inspiring students and changing lives.
This energy is a universal collective
that connects us all
via the spiritual umbilical cord
that is your true Self.
The primary healing and practices
hold the teaching that make realisation of this possible
for all of us, in this lifetime.
The practice of yoga
must train the body and the mind
to awaken and heal your soul.
You do not have to pit one against the other,
or decide which is better,
when all are natural parts of you.
When you relate with the mind and body,
they naturally synchronise,
and become who you are, as a whole being.
This brings about a satisfying feeling of embodiment.
When you relate to your mind and body
and allow them to harmonise,
you feel more alive and strong.
Even though mind and body are natural,
you have to relate with them both on a daily basis.
If you only train the body and ignore the mind,
the body will get into shape,
while the mind will be neglected,
and you may find relating challenging
as it will arise from mental stress and worry.
Conversely, if you focus only on the mind,
then the body will be neglected,
and you will)feel the ill effects
of a stagnant physical demeanour.
Today, the benefits of training the body are understood.
They have always been easy to document,
because we can see them.
In the modern world,
we are also beginning to see the benefits of meditation,
as neuro-scientific research is revealing
how meditation shifts brain waves,
reducing stress, worry, anxiety, depression and fear,
and increases our feelings of calmness and happiness.
These benefits highlight certain key elements in meditation
that are as simple and obvious for the mind
as flexibility and strength training are for the body.
Once you see the simplicity in this,
you can apply all these practices to any activity.
Welcome, at your own risk, to ShantiYoga™
complete healing
for your mind, body and soul.
You may lose your disillusionment,
fear of death and yourself…your false self
… and find true health and happiness,
and a myriad of therapies and practices
through which you can recover your vitality and joy of living.